The Russian Revolution(1991)は900頁を超える大著で詳細だが、日本語訳書は発行されていない。日本の専門研究者は知っているのだろう。
Russian Under the Bolshevik Regime(1995)も500頁を超える大著で詳細だが、日本語訳書は発行されていない。日本の専門研究者は知っているのだろう。
日本語訳書・ロシア革命史〔西山克典訳〕(成文社、2000)のあるA Concise History of the Russian Revolution( 1996)は「コンサイス」版で、上の The Russian Revolution(1991)に比べて小さい大きさの400頁余りのものにすぎない。
二 R・パイプス著作一覧
Karamzin's Memoir on Ancient and Modern Russsia(1959)
Russian Intelligentsia(1961)
Social Democracy and the St. Petersburg Labor Movement, 1885-1897(1963)
= レーニン主義の起源〔桂木健次・伊東弘文訳〕(河出書房新社、1972)
Struve: Liberal on the Left, 1870-1905(1970)
Struve: Liberal on the Right, 1904-1944(1980)
U.S.-Soviet Relations in the Era of Detente: Tragedy of Errors(1981)
Survival Is Not Enough, Soviet Realities and Americas Future(1986)
Legalized Lawlessness: Soviet Revolutionary Justice(1986)
Russia Observed: Collected Essays on Rossian and Soviet History(1989)
The Russian Revolution(1991)
Communism: The Vanished Specter(1994)
Russian Under the Bolshevik Regime(1995)
Three "Whys" of the Russian Revolution (1997)
=Drei Fragen der Russishen Revolution: IMW-Vorlesungen zur modernen Geschichte Zentraleuropas(1995)
A Concise History of the Russian Revolution(1996)
Russia under the Old Regime: Second Edition(1997)
Russian Revolution 1899-1919(1997)
The Formation of the Sovietnion: Communism and Nationalism, 1917-1923, Revised Edition (1997)
The Unknown Lenin: From the Secret Archive(1999)
Property and Freedom(2000)
History of Communism: A Brief History(2002)
= Kommunismus: Kleine Weltgeschichte(2003)
Communism: A History(2003)
= 共産主義が見た夢〔飯嶋貴子訳〕(ランダムハウス講談社、2007)
Looking Forward to the Past - The Influence of Communism After 1989(2003)
The Degaev Affair: Terror and Treason in Tsarist Russia(2005)
Russian Conservatism and Its Crisis: A Study in Political Culture(2006)
Vixi: Memoirs of a Non-Belonger(2006)
Alexander Yakovlev: The Man Whose Ideas Delivered Russia from Communism(2015)
Soviet Strategy in Europe〔刊行年不明〕