「ア 慰安婦問題は,当時の軍の関与の下に、多数の女性の名誉と尊厳を深く傷つけた問題であり、かかる観点から,日本政府は責任を痛感している。
以上の部分の英訳公文は、以下のとおり。「ア」は「(i) 」になっている。<出所はすべて、(日本)外務省HP>
(1) Foreign Minister Kishida announced as follows.
The Government of Japan and the Government of the Republic of Korea (ROK) have intensively discussed the issue of comfort women between Japan and the ROK at bilateral meetings including the Director-General consultations. Based on the result of such discussions, I, on behalf of the Government of Japan, state the following:
(i) The issue of comfort women, with an involvement of the Japanese military authorities at that time, was a grave affront to the honor and dignity of large numbers of women, and the Government of Japan is painfully aware of responsibilities from this perspective. As Prime Minister of Japan, Prime Minister Abe expresses anew his most sincere apologies and remorse to all the women who underwent immeasurable and painful experiences and suffered incurable physical and psychological wounds as comfort women.
「ア 慰安婦問題は,当時の軍の関与の下に、多数の女性の名誉と尊厳を深く傷つけた問題であり、かかる観点から,日本政府は責任を痛感している。
以上の部分の英訳公文は、以下のとおり。「ア」は「(i) 」になっている。<出所はすべて、(日本)外務省HP>
(1) Foreign Minister Kishida announced as follows.
The Government of Japan and the Government of the Republic of Korea (ROK) have intensively discussed the issue of comfort women between Japan and the ROK at bilateral meetings including the Director-General consultations. Based on the result of such discussions, I, on behalf of the Government of Japan, state the following:
(i) The issue of comfort women, with an involvement of the Japanese military authorities at that time, was a grave affront to the honor and dignity of large numbers of women, and the Government of Japan is painfully aware of responsibilities from this perspective. As Prime Minister of Japan, Prime Minister Abe expresses anew his most sincere apologies and remorse to all the women who underwent immeasurable and painful experiences and suffered incurable physical and psychological wounds as comfort women.